eBook - REAL Reborn: Newborn
NOTICE - Each eBook is a "Guide" to assist with specific techniques and details as they describe. Due to the Genesis Heat Set paints being discontinued, the step by step instructions following the colors in the eBooks will need to be adjusted using BC Heat Set Paint colors and/or Ultimate Fusion Air Dry colors. All color names will not be an exact match. Also, any Video or DVD links within the eBook may be inactive.
94 Page eBook, by Lara Antonucci, of REAL Reborn and Angels in Waiting Nursery.
This eBook is great for beginners and advanced alike!
Learn to paint rosy color skin tones starting with a neutral vinyl like Real Effect brand.
REAL Reborn eBooks are designed to take you step by step reborning a baby.
Each eBook is unique with different skin tones and techniques.
eBooks are filled with pictures, easy to follow directions.
LEARN HOW TO: Mix paint Skin tones and much more.
Tap here to Purchase Lara's 11 piece "Baby Strokes" Brush Set